
You don’t want to miss this video

I had the pleasure of speaking for Business Theater Live last week and was able to give my signature talk with some great actors that I think really enhanced the message.  I hope you agree. Once you have watched and you want to talk further or learn more about your Front Seat or your Back […]

This week’s full moon and your type

This week’s full moon and your type As many of you know I LOVE working with Intuitive types (N), in fact I have an amazing group program exclusively for them, and this week with the full moon we Intuitive types need to be aware of the dramatic energy shift with the full moon on Thursday. […]

Chill hommie, you need to let that sh*t go

Please excuse my somewhat shocking title and picture but sometimes you need to be a little shocking to get a point across and this is a BIG point! As we are in the first week of 2015 we need to be aware of what we are holding onto from 2014 that needs to be released […]

My favorite ritual for the last week of the year

I hope your holiday was amazing and you were able to be your best self. 🙂 This is one of my favorite weeks of the year because it closes out a year while we get to get ready for a brand new year full of possibilities. My favorite ritual this week is to re-read all […]

Crazy relatives??? You got this

As I am writing this, I am getting teary-eyed thinking about so many of you who have loved and supported me this year and I cannot thank you enough. Your responses to emails, your kind words, your energetic support is very much appreciated – especially this time of year as I reflect on ALL the […]

Hi, I am Jessica and I am a recovering co-dependent

I have known for years that I am co-dependent but I like to think of myself as “in recovery” but I had a relapse last week as many of you might experience this time of year dealing with family and all the issues that come along with the holidays. My form of co-dependency is that […]

I’m so glad October is almost over

October brought some crazy wonky energy for almost the entire month, I know I felt it as did all my clients, so I am glad to see it go! If you’re interested in learning more you can check out this great video on our energy during Mercury Retrograde. But enough with that, we’re on to […]

I am a weirdo….are you?

Growing up I always knew I was weird. My mother, although extremely loving, never quite “got” me. I always had my head in the clouds, dreaming up the next big thing, planning for some party, making up ways to make money by having plays or selling something I made, I was an entrepreneur even as a […]

My Ego is a bitch!

With all the work I do with my coach and other personal development I still have those “on my knee’s praying to God/Universe moments,” in fact, I just had one last week. As I start to stretch myself into new areas of my business my Ego shows up big time and puts really, really, awful […]

A dream come true….

Last week I was in Fort Lauderdale at a conference that I also attended last year. Last year at this same conference there was a success panel that inspired me to make some big changes in my life, dream bigger and set huge goals for myself. One of those goals was to be one of […]