
With all the work I do with my coach and other personal development I still have those “on my knee’s praying to God/Universe moments,” in fact, I just had one last week.

As I start to stretch myself into new areas of my business my Ego shows up big time and puts really, really, awful things in my head. She tells me, I am not smart enough, people will leave me, who am I anyway, nobody wants to work with me, etc.

I know in my head this is my ego trying to keep me small, complacent and status quo but my heart feels something different, she feels fear, rejection, frustration, and deep sadness.

When she shows up big like she did last week it literally brings me to my knees. I have tools and people in my life to help me through moments like this BUT the point is we all still have them. In fact, I believe that if we didn’t have them it shows we are NOT growing and stretching… so while in the moment I have not very nice things to say to my ego, there is always beauty on the other side when I push through.

I am always glad I do.

Thanks for letting me be vulnerable with you. This is real life, we are in this together!

Sending you love and stretching past your ego!