October brought some crazy wonky energy for almost the entire month, I know I felt it as did all my clients, so I am glad to see it go!
If you’re interested in learning more you can check out this great video on our energy during Mercury Retrograde.
But enough with that, we’re on to the last two months of 2014 and that always gets me into a spirit of reflection and planning for what’s ahead.
As many of you know I’m launching my new Live your Life from the Front Seat ™ program, coaching and book in 2015 and I couldn’t be more excited to help people transform their lives.
I recently delivered a 20 minute talk to our local Seattle e-women chapter and was able to capture it on video. It is a sneak peek of what is coming next week with my Intuitive Type group coaching program and how you can learn to Live your Life from the Front Seat™ in your life, relationships and business.
I would love to talk to you more about how you can learn EXACTLY how to be living a life congruent with your uniqueness, let’s set up a time to chat so I can show you how.