On the eve of my 45th birthday, I want to share with anyone interested what it took for me to build what I have today from having absolutely nothing 5 years ago. I left my marriage and had no money, $50,000 in student loan debt and have managed build a pretty rad life and business. People ask me ALL the time, “how did I do it?” I want to tell you. I will also share how I went from being a therapist working hours for dollars to leveraging my time so I could reach more people. There will be tears, honesty, full transparency, and I will tell you exactly what it took….specifics, so you can do the same! Looking forward to connecting and hopefully it will be helpful to you!

If you love this and want more, please join one of  my upcoming events like my 1-Day Retreat or my 3-Day Event…https://jessicabutts.com/jb_events/
