Category: Uncategorized

My Trip to the Mindset Retreat with Fabienne Frederickson

I recently ventured over to Connecticut for the Mindset Retreat with Fabienne Frederickson. I was honored to participate in the Success Panel, and I wanted to share Fabienne’s blog post and video of my interview. I hope you enjoy it; I thought it was pretty funny, if I say so myself. Jessica found a place […]

Let’s Banish “Should”

If you are like me, you have lived a life “shoulding” on yourself. Well, it is time to stop!! I am a strong Intuitive Type (N), just like many of you, and we are only 25% of the population. Therefore it is almost impossible to not feel left out, feel like a weirdo, wonder why […]

Weirdos unite… for an awesome party

Thursday night I hosted an awesome dinner party for my 2015 Intuitive Group, and while it is hard to share in pictures how much being with like-minded people helps us all in SOOOO many ways, I wanted to share them in hopes you can see for yourself. Intuitive Types are people who: Think outside the […]

Who are you spending your time with??

The quote above is so true! Who you spend your time with is who YOU will become! So……… Are you an Intuitive type surrounded by Sensing types that are squishing your dreams? (been there) Are you a positive person and want to be surrounded by other positive people? Do you have dreams for your life […]

Support Small Business Saturday and change someone’s life!

As a small business owner I know intimately how much work goes into building a successful business, and therefore I will FULLY be supporting small businesses today (and many other days), and I would LOVE it if you would join in as well. I also happen to be unveiling one of my favorite offerings ever […]

Thinking Babies in the backseat – this is mine

As I have been discussing this week, holidays can trigger stress in all of us. It is imperative to know our type (and all the passengers in our car) so we can navigate them better. Awareness is the first step to any change! Over the last four days, I have sent along a description of […]

Feeling Babies in the Backseat

As I have been discussing this week, holidays can trigger stress in all of us. It is imperative to know our type (and all the passengers in our car) so we can navigate them better. Awareness is the first step to any change! Over the next four days I am sending along a description of […]

Sensing Babies in the Backseat

So far we have talked about Intuitive Babies in the Backseat, and today’s babies are Sensing. Over the next four days I am sending along a description of each of the Babies in the Backseat that I describe in my book, Live your Life from the Front Seat so that you may be able to identify this wonky, yucky, backseat energy over […]

Intuition Babies in the Backseat

As I promised, over the next four days I am sending along a description of each of the Babies in the Backseat that I describe in my book, Live your Life from the Front Seat so that you may be able to identify this wonky, yucky, backseat energy over the holiday break. I hope you […]

How holiday stress may trigger YOUR Baby in the Backseat

Happy almost Thanksgiving! For the next 4 Days I am going to send you how the different types react during stress, what I call your Baby in the Backseat. This might be GREAT Thanksgiving conversation, huh? We ALL get stressed out and instead of judging it or thinking there is something wrong with us we […]