Category: Uncategorized

ESFP – The Performer Car

Happy Thursday! Oh, what a fun type ESFP’s are! They are the life of the party, attention seekers, light hearted, and fun people. People like to be around ESFP’s. As you know, I am sending each of the 16 cars for the next 16 weeks (we are on 10 of 16) to help you learn […]

Monday Mindset Motivation from MAUI!!

As different types, we all have different Front Seat Activities, one of mine is solo trips to the beach (as I am sure that is many of yours as well) :-). Years ago when I was going through my divorce and finding myself for the first time, on a whim, I booked a trip to […]

ESTP – The Doer Car

  Happy Thursday! We have officially completed the Introverted cars and today we move into the Extroverts. 🙂 All introverts have a baby in the backseat that “fights” and gets loud, defensive and in your face just in a little different way. I hope you saw that in the last 8 weeks of emails about […]

Warning: Sassy Monday Mindset Motivation ahead

Need I say more? I have heard from many of you that you have been waiting for an opportunity to come to an open event…..well, it is almost time!!! Save the dates for an AMAZING event coming up thrown by me! Tons of amazing women! Massive new understanding of Type. And lots of awesomeness, of […]

INTP – The Thinker Car

Happy Thursday!   Today is another example of how different two types with just one letter difference can be. Last week I emailed you about INFP’s. Some of my favorite all time people are INFP’s. They are sensitive, creative, go with the flow kinds of people. They have tremendous depth and a lot of love […]

Funny Monday Mindset Motivation

Mindset is sooooo important, like at least 50% of the battle. Go read all my other posts about type and mindset if you need a little push into the Front Seat! But…… have to have FOCUS!!! I work exclusively with Intuitive Types because we LOVE the big picture but sometimes we have trouble focusing, I […]

INFP- The Idealist Car

  Happy Thursday! Today we move into the Introverted NP (Squirrel types). I LOVE NP’s! Some of my favorite all time people are INFP’s. They are sensitive, creative, go with the flow kinds of people. They have tremendous depth and a lot of love to give! As you know, I am sending each of the […]

Give yourself some credit-Monday Mindset Motivation

One of my favorite tools I use myself and with all my awesome clients is the idea of “What was once impossible, is now easy!” Think of all the things you have accomplished in the last year, 10 years, or even just the last 3 months. You may have thought at one time “this is […]

ISFP- The Artist Car

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Today we have another Introverted SP type like last week but this week is Feeling instead of Thinking. I hope you are starting to see the similarities and differences. It is SOOOO fun to start to see yourself and others in each type to help deepen the understanding. One of my […]

Personal story for Monday Mindset Motivation

Today’s Mindset Motivation is a personal one and there is a 100% chance I will be crying as I write this to you. The picture above is a manifestation of my dreams, hard work and mindset all coming true! Coaching insanely awesome Intuitive women!!! I have ALWAYS wanted to be doing what I am doing […]