Tag: authenticity

I am a weirdo….are you?

Growing up I always knew I was weird. My mother, although extremely loving, never quite “got” me. I always had my head in the clouds, dreaming up the next big thing, planning for some party, making up ways to make money by having plays or selling something I made, I was an entrepreneur even as a […]

My Ego is a bitch!

With all the work I do with my coach and other personal development I still have those “on my knee’s praying to God/Universe moments,” in fact, I just had one last week. As I start to stretch myself into new areas of my business my Ego shows up big time and puts really, really, awful […]

A dream come true….

Last week I was in Fort Lauderdale at a conference that I also attended last year. Last year at this same conference there was a success panel that inspired me to make some big changes in my life, dream bigger and set huge goals for myself. One of those goals was to be one of […]

Owner’s Manual to Yourself: Let me introduce you to you-6 week bootcamp

I am thrilled to introduce my new 6 week bootcamp and 6 month coaching program appropriately named…Owner’s Manual to Yourself: Let me introduce you to you. Take a look at the short video, where I even get a little emotional talking about how important it is to do this work, and then find out more […]