Category: Thinking

Decision-making and Personality Type [FB Live 3-12-18]

  Come find out why half the population doesn’t make decisions like you do! Today, I will continue my series “Be Unapologetically Who You Are!” at 10:30 am PST every Monday. Today is about Thinking and Feeling!

My favorite ritual for the last week of the year

I hope your holiday was amazing and you were able to be your best self. 🙂 This is one of my favorite weeks of the year because it closes out a year while we get to get ready for a brand new year full of possibilities. My favorite ritual this week is to re-read all […]

Crazy relatives??? You got this

As I am writing this, I am getting teary-eyed thinking about so many of you who have loved and supported me this year and I cannot thank you enough. Your responses to emails, your kind words, your energetic support is very much appreciated – especially this time of year as I reflect on ALL the […]

Extrovert starting to retreat to introverted inferior self

As you all know I am a type guru and I even use this stuff on myself.   I am also an ENFJ which means my: Dominate Type is:     Extroverted Feeling Auxiliary Type is:        Introverted Intuition Tertiary Type is:         Extroverted Sensing and lastly, and what I want to write about and share some thoughts on today […]

Did you watch the debates last night? Understand how your Type affects how you vote!

Watching the presidential debate last night got me thinking about how each of us bases our decision on who to vote for based off of our Type. The third dichotomy or pairing of the Myers Briggs assessment, the MBTI,  is how we make decisions and come to conclusions.  We either have a preference for Thinking […]

Are “Thinking” women really bitches, or are they just misunderstood?

This is one of the most controversial, fascinating and misunderstood aspects of Type and of course, I want to talk about it! In this Myers Briggs pairing we are discussing our personal preference for how we make decisions and come to conclusions, we each have a preference, either for Feeling or Thinking. In my workshops […]

History of Myers Briggs

I am starting a new series of post on my favorite topic, Personality Type and how it can change your life. I have witnessed dramatic realizations in my client’s lives from understanding and applying some simple principles from Type and I want to share as much of this information as I can with everyone interested. […]