Category: Group Coaching

How to get the best out of Intuitives

Today, we talk about how to get the best out of Intuitives. Let’s start by remembering that the second dichotomy in Myers Briggs personality type (Sensing or Intuition) is all about how people like their world organized. Intuitives (N) which are 25% of the population like to have the space and freedom to be creative […]

How to get the best out of Sensors

How to get the best out of Sensors who make up 75% of the population! Are you packaging your words and message in a way that is fully digestible for Sensors? Check out this short video to find out how you can do that.

How to get the best out of Introverts

Did you know that Introverts don’t like to think on the fly? They can do it, but it’s not their best thinking. They would rather process internally over time before they share thoughts and ideas with others. In our extroverted world, Introverts can often feel marginalized and walked over by Extroverts. Don’t get frustrated that […]

Why you need systems, structure, and like-minded people

  Today, I want to share with you the personal story of my “Why”. Why I do the work that I do. I share this revealing story with the hope that it can be inspiring and show you how similar we all are in our need to belong and connect, which is at the heart […]

Front Seat Life Q&A

  We are 1 week away from The Front Seat Life 3-Day Event , October 5th, 6th and 7th!!! I couldn’t be more excited to share three days full of content that will surely change your life, relationships, and your career! For those of you on the fence, I wanted to take an opportunity to answer some FAQ’s here that you […]

Don’t miss the VERY FIRST FB Live on May 1!!!!

On May 1st I am going LIVE for the first time in the new Front Seat Life Membership Group, and it is bound to be awesome. On May 1st and each quarter I will be teaching you my proven techniques to help keep you on track with goal setting around YOUR personality type, as we […]

Hey Squirrel, do you need some structure?

Yes, I KNOW you squirrel! And I KNOW you need systems and structures to help keep you on track. Last week I launched my new website as well as launched a super cool and affordable way to keep yourself on track with your goals quarterly! I have worked with and spoken to thousands of people […]

Insanely affordable way to coach with me!

Along with my new website launch this week comes an insanely wonderful and affordable way to stay connected and get some quarterly coaching. Studies show that we need a “hit” or a “jolt” of something we learned, that we loved, every 90 days to keep us connected to it so I have decided to bring […]

What is the Know-Like-Trust factor?

Do you need some motivation?

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Did January not exactly start with the motivation that you had hoped for? Are you needing some inspiration? Do you need some accountability? People who “get” you? Are you FINALLY ready to get some awesome coaching, so this year can actually be THE year? Well, maybe it is time to join the awesome, inspirational, educational, […]