Tag: authenticity

You don’t get to say, “I suck at that!” [FB Live 4-9-18]

  This is the one area that you don’t get to say “Don’t Do Stuff You Suck At”! You MUST learn how to do both!! Make sure you join today for this powerful topic of Judging and Perceiving personality types. Want to learn more? Hope you will join  Jeni Dahn  and I at our amazing 1-Day Retreat ! Registration […]

Calling all control freaks!!! [FB Live 4-2-18]

  Hey control freaks….come find out why we drive half the population NUTS!!  Also, do you need to work on balance between Being and Doing? Today’s “Be Unapologetically Who You Are” topic is Judging and Perceiving and I’m joined by my mom, Barb Farnsworth, another control freak like me. If you need help learning this dance, […]

Being unapologetic – Interview with Cassandra Costley [FB Live 3-26-18]

  Are you co-dependent? Do you worry way too much about what others think of you? Do you want to do what you really want to do in this world? Then come check out another amazing interview of how to “Be Unapologetically Who You Are’” with myself and  Cassandra Costley  and get some inspiration and HOW to’s! […]

Spring Energy with Jeni Dahn [FB Live 3-20-18]

  Be prepared for a MASSIVE shift of energy with the transition to Spring. Let  Jeni Dahn  and I help you understand and navigate this awesomely powerful time of year. Also, we are making HUGE announcement you will NOT want to miss! https://www.facebook.com/jessica.butts.9400/videos/10216010199037975/

Decision-making and Personality Type [FB Live 3-12-18]

  Come find out why half the population doesn’t make decisions like you do! Today, I will continue my series “Be Unapologetically Who You Are!” at 10:30 am PST every Monday. Today is about Thinking and Feeling! https://www.facebook.com/jessica.butts.9400/videos/10215955328546247/

Do you get thrown in your Back Seat? [FB Live 3-5-18]

  This week I was supposed to talk about the Thinking and Feeling dichotomy in your life, but I quickly scratched that plan because something major was up for me. And I knew it was up for some of my clients, too. That THING that throws you in your back seat and totally pisses you […]

Living Life on Your Own Terms with Nikki Closser [FB Live 2-26-18]

  In today’s Front Seat Life series I am interviewing  Nikki Closser  on what it means to her to live her life on her own terms….being unapologetically who she is! This is going to be good!!!   https://www.facebook.com/jessica.butts.9400/videos/10215828114485975/

Sensing and Intuition in Relationships [FB Live 2-19-18]

  Today’s topic is part of what ended my marriage….come learn how to not make the same mistakes we did! It’s Front Seat Life Monday!! Every Monday in 2018 at 10:30 am PST! Today is Sensing and Intuition in your RELATIONSHIPS!!!! I am committed to bringing you excellent content to help you be unapologetically who you are […]

How to choose your Career based on Personality Type [FB Live 2-12-18]

  Catch my latest video where I cover how to choose your Career based on Personality Type! I talk about people who are great at the “here and now” versus those who are “future thinkers”. And what about people who are “big picture” thinkers versus those who are great with “details”. Which are you? Another […]

Talking about Sensing and Intuition [FB Live 2-5-18]

  Today is Sensing and Intuition! My favorite!!!!! Week 1 – TODAY: Life focused- Be Unapologetically who you are Week 2: – Biz focused- Don’t Do Stuff You Suck At Week 3: – Love  focused. Love me who who I am! Week 4: Interview with someone amazing so you can see how it is played out […]