Category: Personality Type

Decision-making and Personality Type [FB Live 3-12-18]

  Come find out why half the population doesn’t make decisions like you do! Today, I will continue my series “Be Unapologetically Who You Are!” at 10:30 am PST every Monday. Today is about Thinking and Feeling!

Do Opposites Attract? How Different Personality Types Affect Your Sex Life [Guest Podcast]

  I had the privilege of guest starring on Jessa Zimmerman ‘s Better Sex Podcast. This is an incredibly fascinating subject! Check out the podcast:

Sensing and Intuition in Relationships [FB Live 2-19-18]

  Today’s topic is part of what ended my marriage….come learn how to not make the same mistakes we did! It’s Front Seat Life Monday!! Every Monday in 2018 at 10:30 am PST! Today is Sensing and Intuition in your RELATIONSHIPS!!!! I am committed to bringing you excellent content to help you be unapologetically who you are […]

How to choose your Career based on Personality Type [FB Live 2-12-18]

  Catch my latest video where I cover how to choose your Career based on Personality Type! I talk about people who are great at the “here and now” versus those who are “future thinkers”. And what about people who are “big picture” thinkers versus those who are great with “details”. Which are you? Another […]

Talking about Sensing and Intuition [FB Live 2-5-18]

  Today is Sensing and Intuition! My favorite!!!!! Week 1 – TODAY: Life focused- Be Unapologetically who you are Week 2: – Biz focused- Don’t Do Stuff You Suck At Week 3: – Love  focused. Love me who who I am! Week 4: Interview with someone amazing so you can see how it is played out […]

I’ve got a gift you can give that is both Thinker- and Feeler-approved!

Bam!! I just saved you hours of shopping time…because I have a holiday gift that you can pretty much give anybody…my newest book, Don’t Do Stuff You Suck At!!! Seriously, hear me out! It’s Thinker-approved because it’s practical since great books broaden our horizons, help us grow, and are just all-around useful for enlightening our lives […]

[Facebook Live Series] Navigate the Holidays using Personality Type

Let’s navigate these Holidays with grace and love by understanding personality type! 🙏💕 This can be a wonderful, magical time of the year, and it can also bring on a lot of family drama. Starting today I’ll be doing an 8-part Facebook Live Series to help you navigate the holidays using personality type. Join me on Mondays and Wednesdays at […]

Front Seat Life Q&A

  We are 1 week away from The Front Seat Life 3-Day Event , October 5th, 6th and 7th!!! I couldn’t be more excited to share three days full of content that will surely change your life, relationships, and your career! For those of you on the fence, I wanted to take an opportunity to answer some FAQ’s here that you […]

Introverts and Extroverts….we drive each other nuts!

I am so happy to be bringing you four short videos over the next two weeks, to help you navigate your family and friends around the holidays! I just had the “so what are we doing for four days” conversation with my family this morning at 7:30 AM! We were trying to figure out who […]

ENTJ – The Executive Car

Happy Thursday! Wow, we have come to the end of a 4 month journey of seeing all the different personalities and the way they show up as their Driver, Co-pilot, Drunk Uncle and Baby in the Backseat. I hope you have enjoyed seeing your type as well as those in your lives. I have heard […]