Tag: Intuitive

GREAT article I read this week…..

I don’t normally share articles like this but since SO many of you are like me, creative/Intuitive (N), types I thought you would love this as much as I did. Enjoy and have a great weekend. 10 Things to keep in Mind When Loving a Highly Creative Person By Justin Gammill It has been proven that highly creative people’s brains work quite differently than other brains. That […]

This week’s full moon and your type

This week’s full moon and your type As many of you know I LOVE working with Intuitive types (N), in fact I have an amazing group program exclusively for them, and this week with the full moon we Intuitive types need to be aware of the dramatic energy shift with the full moon on Thursday. […]

Type Tip Tuesday-Intuition (N)

Type Tip Tuesday “I make all my decisions on intuition.  I throw a spear into the darkness. That is intuition. Then I must send an army into the darkness to find the spear. That is intellect.” -Ingmar Bergman Tip for this week: Intuitives (N’s) live their lives with their intuitions, guts, speculations and hunches as […]