Tag: Direct Sales

No Plan B, only have Plan A

Here’s a quick video to remind you about the importance of goal setting. Let there only be Plan A! Nothing gets done when there is a Plan B. If you want to learn more about taking action, goal setting, systems, structure and singular focus, you MUST get your butt to my once-a-year  Front Seat Life Event !!!! Go get ’em!! […]

It’s my birthday! Can I give YOU a gift?!

My birthday is TODAY, July 7th and I would like to gift you my soon-to-be released book, Don’t Do Stuff You Suck At, as a bonus for enrolling in the fabulous  Front Seat Life 3-Day Event  coming up on October 5th, 6th and 7th. I launched my first book, Live Your Life from the Front Seat, two years ago on my birthday, and for some reason […]