Tag: Live your Life from the Front Seat

Has coaching not worked for you in the past? Q and A Wednesday

Today’s Q and A Wednesday is a question I have been getting a lot lately, why hasn’t coaching worked for me in the past? Watch my video below to find out my answer. Have a fantastic week and remember to Live Your Life from the Front Seat!

What are you doing one month from today?

I know what I will be doing…..celebrating my book release (and my birthday) on July 7th, one month from today! I can’t believe this book, Live Your Life from the Front Seat, that I have been working on for the past 2 ½ years is finally going to make her debut into the world in […]

Mercury in Retrograde is kicking my ass, it is yours?

Ugh, the planetary energy is kicking my butt as usual this time of year BUT knowing myself, knowing my energy, knowing my front seat and my back seat is a HUGE advantage. Understanding my innate personality type and then living a life according to it not only helps in times like Mercury being in retrograde […]


My coach and mentor taught me years ago that life is tough so we have to be able to celebrate our successes! I totally agree! So, I am celebrating with all of you……I finished my book Friday at 9:48 am. It is off to the printer and Amazon designer. 46,728 words, 18 months, and countless […]

I’m so glad October is almost over

October brought some crazy wonky energy for almost the entire month, I know I felt it as did all my clients, so I am glad to see it go! If you’re interested in learning more you can check out this great video on our energy during Mercury Retrograde. But enough with that, we’re on to […]