Tag: Intuitive Types

Day 3 of 25 on my Three S Methodology – Today’s topic is Ideal Client [FB Live 8-1-18]

Today’s topic is about your Ideal Client because the biggest issue I find with clients is that people try to get everyone to like them. Not everyone is going to like you – get over it! Quit trying to chase everyone! You’ve got to get specific about who your ideal client is. You’ve got to […]

Day 2 of 25 on my Three S Methodology – Today’s topic is Schedule [FB Live 7-31-18]

Today’s topic within the “Structure” portion of my Three S Methodology is SCHEDULE!!! What does structure in your schedule mean? This might make some of you cringe!!! How you spend your time is a direct reflection of what you care about most! What is your biggest time waster? If you want to know more, join […]

Day 1 of 25 on my Three S Methodology – Today’s focus is MORNING [FB Live 7-30-18]

Front Seat Life Three S Method: Structure, Systems and Singular focus! I have worked as a psychotherapist, couples counselor, Life and Business coach over the past 7 years helping people be unapologetically who they are in Life, Love and Business. Sadly, the one area that I see people fail the MOST in their business is […]

How to get the best out of Intuitives

Today, we talk about how to get the best out of Intuitives. Let’s start by remembering that the second dichotomy in Myers Briggs personality type (Sensing or Intuition) is all about how people like their world organized. Intuitives (N) which are 25% of the population like to have the space and freedom to be creative […]

Why you need systems, structure, and like-minded people

  Today, I want to share with you the personal story of my “Why”. Why I do the work that I do. I share this revealing story with the hope that it can be inspiring and show you how similar we all are in our need to belong and connect, which is at the heart […]

Examining Masculine and Feminine Energy in relation to Judging and Perceiving [FB Live 4-23-18]

  Catch my last weekly FB Live video. Yes, I know that I said that I would do these every Monday in 2018, but I am being pulled to redirect my energy toward a NEW Podcast coming in June and my growing Membership Group (which you can join in May and I do TWO weekly […]

You don’t get to say, “I suck at that!” [FB Live 4-9-18]

  This is the one area that you don’t get to say “Don’t Do Stuff You Suck At”! You MUST learn how to do both!! Make sure you join today for this powerful topic of Judging and Perceiving personality types. Want to learn more? Hope you will join  Jeni Dahn  and I at our amazing 1-Day Retreat ! Registration […]

Calling all control freaks!!! [FB Live 4-2-18]

  Hey control freaks….come find out why we drive half the population NUTS!!  Also, do you need to work on balance between Being and Doing? Today’s “Be Unapologetically Who You Are” topic is Judging and Perceiving and I’m joined by my mom, Barb Farnsworth, another control freak like me. If you need help learning this dance, […]

Spring Energy with Jeni Dahn [FB Live 3-20-18]

  Be prepared for a MASSIVE shift of energy with the transition to Spring. Let  Jeni Dahn  and I help you understand and navigate this awesomely powerful time of year. Also, we are making HUGE announcement you will NOT want to miss! https://www.facebook.com/jessica.butts.9400/videos/10216010199037975/

Decision-making and Personality Type [FB Live 3-12-18]

  Come find out why half the population doesn’t make decisions like you do! Today, I will continue my series “Be Unapologetically Who You Are!” at 10:30 am PST every Monday. Today is about Thinking and Feeling! https://www.facebook.com/jessica.butts.9400/videos/10215955328546247/