Tag: Front Seat

Live Your Life from the Front Seat…coming July 7th

3 week countdown until my book it out in the world! Live Your Life from the Front Seat is for you if you answer yes to any of the following questions. Do you live your life for other people? Has coaching and/or therapy not worked for you in the past? (I will show you why) […]

Mercury in Retrograde is kicking my ass, it is yours?

Ugh, the planetary energy is kicking my butt as usual this time of year BUT knowing myself, knowing my energy, knowing my front seat and my back seat is a HUGE advantage. Understanding my innate personality type and then living a life according to it not only helps in times like Mercury being in retrograde […]

You don’t want to miss this video

I had the pleasure of speaking for Business Theater Live last week and was able to give my signature talk with some great actors that I think really enhanced the message.  I hope you agree. Once you have watched and you want to talk further or learn more about your Front Seat or your Back […]