Are you a Squirrel, Entrepreneur, Police, or Artist/Adventurer?

Are you a Squirrel, entrepreneur, police or artist/adventurer? 

Back when I was first starting to learn Myers Briggs right out of college I was obsessed!  I devoured it all, all of it except John Bowlby’s archetypes! (sorry John) 

He made it all so clinical, boring, and CONFUSING.  And, if I am being honest, I didn’t think they were all that accurate.  He paired the dichotomies in confusing ways, I always had a hard time remembering them and when I started teaching his archetypes, students’ faces would gloss over completely and utterly confused! 

So, I of course came up with my own!  

It took me a few years working with couples in my psychotherapy practice as well as my entrepreneurial coaching clients to realize there are CLEAR and accurate archetypes based on the second and last dichotomy of Myers Briggs. 

I loving call them Front Seat Life archetypes since I made them up ❤️

We each have a preference for: 

Second dichotomy: Sensing and Intuition- S or N

Last dichotomy: Judging or Perceiving- J or P

Let’s explore each a little….


SJ- Police 👮‍♀️ 

Sensing/Judging makes this archetype a rule-follower and likes things their way!  Living in the moment and organized makes them fairly rigid in their thinking as well as a little (or a lot) bossy! They are also extremely reliable and the person you can always call if you are in trouble! 


SP- Artist or Adventurer ✋

Sensing/Perceiving makes this archetype extremely tactical, using their five senses in either  introverted or extroverted ways and living in the moment! 

This archetype greatly differs, unlike the others, based on whether the person is introverted or extroverted!  The introverted SP archetype is the artist. They use their fives senses in a creative way, they might cook, write, play or listen to music, paint, sculpt or any other form of using their five senses BY THEMSELVES mostly. 

However, extroverted SP’s are the adventurers.  While they are still using their five senses while living in the moment, they like to be outside or doing it with others so they might be into extreme sports, rock climbing, etc. 

SP’s also love to throw caution to the wind as they are spontaneous and living in the moment with few thoughts of consequences. 


NP- Squirrel 🐿 

Intuitive/Perceiving makes this archetype a future thinker yet spontaneous and go with the flow! They are rarely grounded in the moment as both the N and P makes them always thinking about what’s next and rather joyfully undaunted by worries, plans, or change.  They are wonderful at new and exciting projects yet have a hard time with the follow through.  They are amazing cheerleaders, coaches, and entrepreneurs but need help with the details. 


NJ- Entrepreneur 💡 

Intuitive/Judging makes this archetype ambitious and driven as they are big picture and outside the box thinkers while also being extremely planned and organized. Their intuition always has them creating new things AND a desire to actually complete them all which can certainly be a blessing and a curse as it makes this archetype usually very successful and exhausted. NJ’s have to learn how to balance all their creative ideas with reality. 


I hope you enjoyed this content AND have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!   

I also hope you have put on your calendar the launch of the incredible and all-inclusive Front Seat Life Collective coming in less than two weeks on Thursday, September 16 along with the launch of the new podcast series Front Seat 16….see what I did there with the 16?? 😉 

If you have been wanting to work with me THIS IS IT! And I cannot wait to welcome you! 
