Category: Front Seat

How to Make Changes in 2019 [FB Live 1-3-19]

  In today’s video we are FIRED UP and talk about what it takes to make REAL changes, what it takes to make YOURSELF a PRIORITY, and how you’re going to actually DO this now. If you’re tired of New Year resolutions falling flat, join Jeni Dahn and I as we talk about how you can make […]

My biggest takeaway from the 2018 Front Seat Life 3-Day Event

As I sit here a week after my huge annual event, the Front Seat Life 3-Day Event, I am reflecting back on what I learned from the experience. This Event is my opportunity to teach 100+ amazing souls how to be more of their real selves, and for some, how to find their lost self […]

Mastering Mindset with my Coach, Bex Burton

Mindset is at least half the entrepreneurial game! Come learn from my current mindset coach  Bex Burton  and Guest Speaker at this year’s Front Seat Life 3-Day Event as we discuss some of the best tips to get your stinkin’ thinkin’ in check! Then, grab your tickets to the 3-Day to see her Live.

Day 9 of 25 on my Three S Methodology – Today’s topic is Sales and Offering Funnel [FB Live 8-9-18]

Structure gives you FREEDOM!!!! I promise. You need to watch today’s FB live! Today’s day 9 topic: Sales and offering funnel and the biggest mistake entrepreneur’s make! The solution to this big mistake IS the sales funnel.

Day 7 of 25 on my Three S Methodology – Today’s topic is Structure & Websites [FB Live 8-7-18]

Don’t waste time doing stuff you suck at. Today’s topic is about your Website. The problem for you entrepreneurs is that we try to do everything, but unless your craft is designing websites you shouldn’t be doing it! I know that we’re all trying to save a buck here and there, but you’ve got to […]

Day 6 of 25 on my Three S Methodology – Today’s topic is Starting Big, Mindmap and 90 Day Goals [FB Live 8-6-18]

Squirrel….meet control freak!!! Today’s topic is about dreaming AND planning. This is the perfect mix of personality types that ALLLLLL entrepreneurs must do! I’m talking about starting big with your dreams with the “perfect day” exercise. This will get you creating a long-term plan. Next, you need to get those big dreams down on paper […]

Day 5 of 25 on my Three S Methodology – Today’s topic is the Weekly CEO Meeting [FB Live 8-3-18]

Today’s topic is how to do a weekly CEO Meeting with yourself. This is the idea of working ON your business versus IN your business. Let me break down how this structure in your schedule of having a CEO meeting can transform your business. I give you all the details about what I do in […]

Day 4 of 25 on my Three S Methodology – Today’s topic is Offerings [FB Live 8-2-18]

Today we’re talking about understanding your offerings and having structure behind them. If you are confused as a business owner about what you’re offering, then without a doubt your clients are confused, too. Let’s break down your funnel where you are working hours for dollars and where you can leverage your time and have FREEDOM! […]

Day 3 of 25 on my Three S Methodology – Today’s topic is Ideal Client [FB Live 8-1-18]

Today’s topic is about your Ideal Client because the biggest issue I find with clients is that people try to get everyone to like them. Not everyone is going to like you – get over it! Quit trying to chase everyone! You’ve got to get specific about who your ideal client is. You’ve got to […]

Day 2 of 25 on my Three S Methodology – Today’s topic is Schedule [FB Live 7-31-18]

Today’s topic within the “Structure” portion of my Three S Methodology is SCHEDULE!!! What does structure in your schedule mean? This might make some of you cringe!!! How you spend your time is a direct reflection of what you care about most! What is your biggest time waster? If you want to know more, join […]