15 Tools in 15 Minutes or Less to Help You navigate all the STRESS by understandingyour Innate Personality Type and Jessica’s other favorite therapy tools

“Hi, I’m Jessica Butts, former Psychotherapist and Creator and Founder of the Front Seat Life, a Revolutionary newApproach to Myers Briggs! I am here to help you Own your personality type and Be Unapologetically Who You Are in thiscrazy busy world we live in !...” (pull from the script used in the LU video, emphasize credentials and personal experience)

You were born with an innate personality type.
You have unique talents, gifts, and interests.
You have dreams, passions & plans to achieve those dreams.
But the world started telling you:
And you started shrinking away from who you were born tobe...
If you’rereading this,you knowit’s time for achange.
Maybe you’re surrounded by naysayers and people who don’tsupport you in pursuing your dreams.
Maybe your relationship is a mess and you can’t figure out whythere’s so much conflict with someone you love so much.
Maybe you’re stuck in a soul-sucking 9 to 5 job that you hate andyou have this burning desire to do something more.
Maybe all of the current events, political climate, and stuff goingon in your personal life has you so stressed out you can’t take itanymore!
You were made for more than this. You know this! You can feel it deep inside. You know there ismore for you but you aren’t sure how to get there.
Understanding your innate personality type is the key to managing that stressand unlocking everything that is possible for you, your life, your relationships,and your career!
The more youknow...
There’s so much more to your personality type than those 4 littleletters suggest and mastering your type will give you all the tools youneed to create a life you love!
The more you GROW!
But I know you’re busy! I know you are stressed! You feel like youdon’t have time to invest in personal development right now... STOP!
I created the Front Seat 15 for exactly this reason!! I knew you
needed something you can do in small 15 minute blocks of time and Iknew it had to be so rich it would help you change your entire life’strajectory without adding to your already overflowing “to-do” list!
So here it is!! 15 Tools, 15 Videos, 15 minutes or less to help youlearn about your innate personality type AND how to navigate allthe stress and personal roadblocks according to your type!
Here’s a sneak peak of what’s inside:

Module 1:
Where we go under stress!
Module 2:
You are both extroverted and Introverted
Module 3:
Permission to have a Pity Party-N’s suck are details
Module 4:
Hey controlfreaks....learning to balance our J&P
Module 5:
Whole letter type and corevalues
Module 6:
Setting Boundaries using rocks
Module 7:
Codependency: Are you a bossy leaper or a doormat?
Module 8:
Mind Blowing attachmenttheory
Module 9:
Your archetype and your archnemesis
Module 10:
Stop living 5 minutes in front of your face
Module 11:
Best mindset tools
Module 12:
Morning practice
Module 13:
Compartmentalization and 90 day goals
Module 14:
Don’t listen to the naysayers
Module 15:
Like minded people-Find your people

Imagine if you could:
This is your chance to do all that and MORE!!!And it’s only $27!!

Jessica Butts is the CEO and Founder ofFront Seat Life as well as the author of thepopular books, “Live Your Life from the FrontSeat” and “Don’t Do Stuff You Suck At” and hostof the Front Seat Life Podcast.
As a life and business coach, formerpsychotherapist, and recognizedMyers-Briggs expert, with more than 15 yearsexperience, Jessica makes it her mission in lifeto inspire others to reach their full potential andaccomplish Magnificent Things by understandingand embracing their innateness.
As an ENFJ, Jessica thinks outside the box,leads with her heart, and is obsessivelyorganized. She’s passionate about personaldevelopment and helping her clients learn tolive and be unapologetically who they areand create the life they’ve always desired.Jessica travels the country sharing her inspiringmessage in her sassy, no-holds barredentertaining manner inspiring, motivating, andeducating people to live their life from thefront seat using their innate gifts.
It’s time to start your personal development journey!

Slide into the front seat of your own life and feel the freedom thatyour new vision, being unapologetically who you are for the firsttime, clarity, and validation brings to you
15 Tools, 15 videos, each 15 minutes or less! The Front Seat 15is the shortcut to understanding your personality type, navigatingall the stress, and learning to live unapologetically as who youare! I’m inviting you on a journey! Are you coming?